
Below is my reel, as well as some of the short films whose productions I’ve played a significant part in. Many were also written and directed by me. Some even have me in them. I hope you enjoy.


2021. Runtime: 3:21. Romance/Drama. Written by Malia Livingston and Michelle Pugh, Directed and Edited by Michelle Pugh.

Additional Credits: Starring Malia Livingston, Yuwan Ye, and Aristotle Hartzell.


Playing With Dolls

This film, created as the final production project for the semester, was the result of me wanting to create a film driven by nostalgia. I wanted to tell it with silhouettes, through a window. Ultimately, I’m really overjoyed with how it turned out—I think it’s a beautiful look at loss. Made for class.


What does the inside of your mind feel like?

INT. was an opportunity for me to reflect upon my own mental state as I approached the end of my freshman year of college. It’s a short, experimental piece created as a response to an artwork from multi-media artist Carolee Schneemann. Made for class.


2021. Runtime: 2:16. Experimental. Written, Directed, and Edited by Michelle Pugh.

What Comes / After Found?

After my family cat fell sick in the early fall of 2019, I found myself thinking a lot about her and how much she’d helped me throughout my struggles with mental health. I wondered if I would be able to function if she unexpectedly passed away. Personal project.


2019. Runtime: 2:25. Drama. Written, Directed, and Edited by Michelle Pugh.